
I am currently a Master’s student with a focus on NT Exegesis and Jewish Studies, and in this blog I plan on burdening my audience with some of the more infuriating aspects of my subject that they may not beware of. From strictly academic exegesis to modern theological problems faced by the Church, nothing shall escape my wrath. Of course, this rage is perhaps the truest expression of my near-palpable and sometimes all-consuming love for my subject. It is my iIMG_0726nnermost hope that what will probably end up as a series of angry rants will prove to my reader that the study of religion – more specifically the origins of what we today call Christianity and Judaism (since this is my main academic focus, it shall in all likelihood have to bear the brunt of my rage) –  is a subject of such importance that it is worth getting worked up about.

4 Responses to About

  1. I find your blog interesting because I am studying for my Master’s in Sacred Theology at a Roman Catholic college. I, too, love my subject, but anger doesn’t usually figure into the equation, just zeal. I noticed you didn’t post in February, March, and April. I hope you’ll be able to post on a regular basis. Being a theology major at the Master’s level, however, I know how little free time one actually has. Good luck with your studies and your blog.


    • rebeccarunesson says:

      Thanks, I’m glad you find the blog interesting! I think my zeal often leads me to tempered feelings of anger when I feel that certain theories or scholarly consensuses are misleading or problematic. Hopefully the fast-approaching summer will give me some much-needed respite and time to write more here! Good luck with your studies as well.


  2. Dear fellow blogger!

    I invite you to read my blog post about the Kingdom of God:

    “The Bible says that we should put it first in our lives (Matt. 6:33) and that we should be preaching it to others (Luke 9:2). We pray for God’s kingdom to come on a regular basis, but if someone were to ask us: “Please, explain to me exactly what the Kingdom of God is”, would we know what to say?”

    Read more: https://faithandencouragement.wordpress.com/2015/02/19/what-is-the-kingdom-of-god/


  3. Arnie says:

    I found just what I was needed, and it was enigntairtne!

    Liked by 1 person

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